If the PDW Duffle and CAB2 nylon tote had a kid, the ZCAB would be it. The materials and build quality is like the duffle but with a smaller tote-like footprint.
For me the ZCAB replaced the duffle as a truck bag. I needed a smaller foot print in my Grenadier and wanted to see if I could get everything from the duffle in the ZCAB.
Don’t get me wrong, the duffle can hold a lot more than the ZCAB but for me and what I carry, if I filled the duffle to capacity, it would be too damn heavy, so I don’t.
The ZCAB holds everything from medical, fire, water, tire repair, tools maps, foldable saw, small axe, rope, bankline, ammo, etc… The ZCAB is pretty full and took some creative packing to fit it all, where with the duffle I could just toss it all in the bag with room to spare.
The duffle will be for longer trips. The ZCAB will be a truck EDC.