Orion [noun]:1) Classical Mythology. A giant hunter who pursued the Pleiades, was eventually slain by Artemis, and was then placed in the sky as a constellation. 2) Astronomy. The Hunter, a constellation lying on the celestial equator between Canis Major and Taurus, containing the bright stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.Designed for...
Orion [noun]:1) Classical Mythology. A giant hunter who pursued the Pleiades, was...
Orion [noun]:1) Classical Mythology. A giant hunter who pursued the Pleiades, was eventually slain by Artemis, and was then placed in the sky as a constellation. 2) Astronomy. The Hunter, a constellation lying on the celestial equator between Canis Major and Taurus, containing the bright stars Betelgeuse and Rigel. Designed for...